Stink Bug Control and Prevention
Here are the most effective ways to control stink bugs and prevent them from coming back.

Prevent Gardens from Stink Bugs
The most effective method to prevent gardens from stink bugs is to grow herbs like mint, basil, borage coriander, and nasturtium because these plants have the potential to attract other predatory insects which make stink bug their prey. Unfortunately, the use of chemicals in the gardens and farms has not been proved effective and useful. On one hand, organic chemicals, though do not harm beneficial predators, cannot affect stink bugs as these have strong armor which can endure such chemicals. On the other hand, synthetic chemicals can effectively eradicate stink bugs but at the same time these chemicals kill the useful pests as well.
The invasion of stink bugs in homes creates disturbance for homeowners. Although these are harmless to humans, their stinky smell and amassing in larger number pose threat to delicate plants inside the home and become a source of annoyance for the homeowners.
Common Preventive Measures
Over the years, a few proven methods have been evolved to control stink bugs in houses. Spraying synthetic chemicals inside and outside the home; removing juicy plants from the surrounding of home; and switching off the lights when not needed are some of the ways to prevent stink bugs from entering your home.
Control Stink Bugs in Home
However, if sting bugs happen to find some cracks and enter your home, then some other methods are applied to control bugs. You can use vacuum to suck them out but never forget this will spread pungent smell in your home. Using soapy water to drown the bugs and their eggs is another effective method that helps wipe out the bugs.
Natural Stink Bug Repellents
There are some natural stink bug repellents that are potent enough to help you in getting rid of these relentless bugs. Of them, the most effective natural product one can use is Diatomaceous Earth. While acting as a desiccant on bugs, it dehydrates them and heralds death knell on them. Wherever it is used, it repels and discourages the stink bugs to exist. With the help of Gilmour pump duster, Dustin mizer and hand duster, you can apply the dust anywhere the stink bugs like to rest.
You can also make another stink bug repellent by soaking few shredded cigarettes into water overnight; then add a few drops of soap and spray it over the bugs. Because of its pungent smell, the stink bugs are repelled efficiently.
Chemical and Natural Stink Bug Sprays
Using stink bug spray is yet another way to controlling them. In this method, synthetic chemicals prove more effective than organic ones but one should take into account the presence of small kids and animals because they may receive skin allergens from such chemicals.
Apart from synthetic chemicals, you can apply homemade natural compounds for the sake of keeping bugs away. The advantage of natural compounds in comparison with chemicals is that they are normally considered to be safe and do not destroy delicate foliage. So you can make a mix of oil and water in 1:2 ratio and spray it in the home. As a result, the strong smell of oil will drive the bugs away.
Stink Bug Traps
There are two types of stink bug traps: electric traps and natural sticking traps.
Electric stink bug traps are illuminated devices that use electrical current to exterminate stink bugs. Designed in square or lantern shaped, the electric trap boxes consist of a light bulb to attract bugs. These boxes also have a transformer and dual layer of electrified metal. When the bugs fly to it and complete the circuit on contact, it is trapped and killed instantly. The obvious advantage of electric stink bug trap is that it can last for a longer period of time and can be used repeatedly.
The natural sticky trap is made up of cardboard or sticky paper. Cut a square of cardboard, or use an old paper bag. Then use water, corn syrup, and sugar to make paste; for this, you should boil all these ingredients to disperse some water. After making the paste, coat it on the cardboard or paper bag and place this trap at apposite place in your house. Stink bugs will be attracted to the sweet paste and consequently become stuck.